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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

I’m running for the people who can’t – they have made every step a little more bearable

The best motivation for running is remembering that unlike many others, I can

I’m up to 18-mile long runs, and I put as much energy into working out how not to get bored on them as I do actually running the damn things. Audiobooks, podcasts and company from friends help, but the best solution I have found is running each kilometre for someone who can’t. It reminds me of what a privilege it is to run, and thinking about the person keeps me going.
Last weekend, I asked my followers on Instagram if they would like me to run for them. And so it was I ran for Maria, who is paraplegic, and for Catherine who is having a hysterectomy. I ran for Ellen, who is recovering from her fifth bowel surgery, and Sarah, who is about to have both her hips replaced. I ran for Amy, who has a very painful-sounding herniated disc in her lower back, and for Lizzie, who can’t run because her newborn baby Phoebe has been in the neonatal intensive care unit.
 I ran for Tracey, who has just been diagnosed with breast cancer, and for Cheryl, who has just had both knees replaced. I ran for Diane, who is at the start of her sobriety journey, and for Stacey, who is suffering with Borderline Personality Disorder. I ran for Saz, who has Long Covid, and for Trish, who is grieving after the death of her husband. I ran with all of these people in my pocket and together they made every step of that long run a little bit more bearable.
This is, in essence, why I am doing this challenge, of running the Brighton Marathon, then running from Brighton to London, where I will then do the London Marathon. I have seen comments from people telling me that this is a “terrible way to lose weight”, but I’m not doing it to lose weight. 
I’m doing it because I can, and because I hope it will inspire others who think they can’t to embrace the endless endorphins of exercise. You don’t have to run – and as all of these women above remind me, maybe it’s just not possible to. But you can always do something, however small, even if it is just going outside and round the corner to breathe in a lungful of fresh air and remind yourself that you are part of something bigger. 
I am so lucky to be training for this challenge. If you would like to come along in spirit, please do send me an email at the normal address, and I will write out your name and put you in my pocket… and my heart.
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